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Informacje o producencie
Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczÄ…ce produktu obejmujÄ… adres i powiÄ…zane dane producenta produktu.ITD Collection
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Paper decoupage - ornaments, frames and print room
decopage eighteenth century art, inspired by ancient Greece - in full color
Very stylish decorations and ornaments, decorations
The classic paper is thin and durable. Easily absorbs a water. It remains flexible and doesn't change its shape.Â
Excellent printing technology makes the colors are vovid, remain clean and will not change.Â
This paper offers superior results in the art of decorating.
Attractive papers decoupage with retro motives and vintage. Edited on older, now already accessible thanks for offer itd collection - for Polish producer of papers decoupage classical and rice paper.Â
Recommended by shops from decoupage, workshops and all sorts community groups. ITD Collection - our papers decoupage it is the best tender for visual artists and hobbyists in Poland. We are inviting to the shopping and we invite you to cooperation.
Paper - 60g, size 210x297 mm (A4)