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Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczÄ…ce produktu obejmujÄ… adres i powiÄ…zane dane producenta produktu.ITD Collection
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
papers for scrapbooking
Set of scrapbooking papers SLS
Cottage in the country * rural animals, idyllic landscape, fields, meadows, dogs, cats, huts, cottages...
Scrapbooking papers SLS-088 Cottage in the Country
Grammage – 200 g/m2, paper size – 310x320 mm (12,2'' x 12,6''), graphic size – 300x307 mm (11,8" x 12,1"), there is a white frame around the graphic.
The set contains 10 pcs. of printed paper - one side + 1 piece free of charge.
Digital print with satin, slightly shiny finish, that enables gilding it with use of Termoton foil.
Set prepared especially for scrapbooking and mixed media techniques.
"Acid free & lignin free".
Product Certifications:
1. FSC® Recycled certified (No. FSC-C021878)
2. EU Ecolabel Certification (No. FR/011/003)
3. HP Indigo certified*
4. Age-resistant standard suitable for archives (LDK class 24-85)
5. PCF Process Chlorine Free
6. Toy safety (EN 71)
7. Heavy metal free
Fibre sourcing and recycling
100% post-consumer fibres, FSC® Recycled certified and PCF (Process Chlorine Free).
No substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) are used as raw materials.